Terracotta Circle

Artist : Gilberto Zorio

Year : 1969

Size : –

Media : Mixed media

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Zorio is an Italian artist associated with Arte Povera movement, which was contemporary with the Gutai group in Japan.

He is known for his use of materials and I am interested in this artwork because he places the clay next to other materials, the Diameter of terracotta is based on the artist’s arm-span and the circle was moulded as he moved around at floor level. Which relates to my interest of relationship between body movement and the form.

Grand Boules

Sheila Hicks - Grand Boules
Sheila Hicks – Grand Boules

Artist :  Sheila Hicks

Year : 2009


Media : textile

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Sheila Hicks is one of the most recent artists I have found and I believe she and her work will help me a lot in most of my works. Hicks’ media is textile and she has all sort of work from commercial objets to massive installations.

She paints and sculpts in space. Connection between her, site-specific installations and space, wall hanging objects, transforming a space through colour-soaked and large-scale sculpture  are all fascinating.

Cordes Sauvages Pow Wow

Sheila Hicks - Cordes Sauvages Pow Wow
Sheila Hicks – Cordes Sauvages Pow Wow

Artist : Sheila Hicks

Year : 2015

Size : 26 Elements 250 x 20 cm, 98 3/8 x 7 7/8 ins, each

Media : Installation Cotton, wool, linen, silk, bamboo, synthetic fibres

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Hicks’s material is her visual language to talk about her feelings. She uses traditional techniques in a minimal way to create a composition of colours, lines and textures in her work.

I first collected this art work only because I liked the form and relationship between the lines and colours, but now I am more interested on the forms of the lines individually and in the group also relationship of them to the space. She has a wonderful understanding of space and architecture how, she engages and activates  her work with space create unique composition.

In one of her interviews she mentioned that she works the same way that ceramists do.

The other aspect is feeling her body was involved, making process and also using traditional method and go against it are other connections.

This artwork and Eva Hesse’s “Right After” are the main inspiration for one of my projects.

Continue reading “Cordes Sauvages Pow Wow”

Sculpture as Place

Carl Andre - Sculpture as Place
Carl Andre – Sculpture as Place

Artist : Carl Andre

Year : 1958–2010


Media : Installation

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Carl Andre uses the same sculpture forms such as cubes in different versions of installation. Repetition of simple geometric form in large scale and they way they interact the them creates ascetic pleasure. His semi-industrial, physical structures took all my attention to this artwork.

his minimal artwork and connection of each sculpture form with the space and repetition of the objects are what connects my projects to his work.

Continue reading “Sculpture as Place”

Red Slate Circle

Richard Long - Red Slate Circle
Richard Long – Red Slate Circle

Artist : Richard Long

Year : 1988

Size : 37 x 400 x 400 cm

Media : Slate

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Richard Long  is known as a “Land” artists. He uses natural elements like stone and wood to create meaningful conceptual art with simple abstract elements like circles and lines.

I found him after I had my art performance in which I painted a circle around myself on the floor with liquid clay. I understand that my works does not fit in “land art” genre but they way he uses simple forms to create minimal artwork is an interesting aspect for me.

the geometrical forms he creates, the logic of repetition, his minimal sculptures, use of material and the way he creates the space are the key ideas for me in his work.

Continue reading “Red Slate Circle”

Night Drawing

Artist: Matthew Ritchie

Year: 2014

Size: –

Medium: Polyester, Pigment & Aluminum

connection between this artwork and my practice: It feels like drawing in space, transferring 2d to 3d form, expressing inner feels

folded up structure with hidden mathematical forms. the way it interact and fill the space is interesting for me. The way he create new universe in his work, helps me to create the environment and space that I want to.



Day One

Matthew, Ritchie, Day one

Artist: Matthew Ritchie

Year: 2008

Size: —

Medium: Video, interactive sound, acrylic and marker on wall

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Ritchie works are align with Kandinsky’s. I am interested of their work. First I started to collect kandinsky’s work, then i found My ideas are closer to ritchie’s work, as he draws in space and  he plays with forms in space.

this work is combination of digital material and painting.



Artist: Alicja Kwade
Year: 2018
Size: —
Medium: Wood, Stone, Steel

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Alicja Kwade is one the artist who specifically works on the laws of physics and the mysterious natures of time, space and light.

The connection I found between my projects and her works is that she presents improbable scenarios using doubled or multiple objects and I am using double or multiple objects to study relationship between forms and space. And also some of my ideas is similar to her minimal design and how she uses lines and objects to create a space.