Waking up

Author: Sam harris 2014

Originally published: 9 September 2014

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Harris is s neuroscientist, philosopher, author and critic of religion. He works in a wide range of topics. Topics like, Meditation, philosophy of mind, and Islam are the main topics I follow. This book is in my list because he points many things that I feel connected to me and effect of them in my work.

Night Drawing

Artist: Matthew Ritchie

Year: 2014

Size: –

Medium: Polyester, Pigment & Aluminum

connection between this artwork and my practice: It feels like drawing in space, transferring 2d to 3d form, expressing inner feels

folded up structure with hidden mathematical forms. the way it interact and fill the space is interesting for me. The way he create new universe in his work, helps me to create the environment and space that I want to.

