Little Known Series Black FRP

Artist : Nobuo Sekine

Year : 2014

Size : –

Media : –

connection between this artwork and my practice:

 “These works mark a crucial shift in Sekine’s practice — away from a focus on raw materials and malleability toward the surface qualities of solidified forms. Sekine deliberately made it difficult to identify the material used to create these works — at first glance it is not evident whether they are made of stone, glass, metal, or plastic. When installing these works, Sekine considers their placement to be a “topological scene” governed by aesthetic principles similar to those found in Zen rock gardens — namely, asymmetric arrangements of disparate elements that combine to represent a broader landscape of seas, islands, and mountains. ” (Blum & Poe 2019)

The interesting part of this artwork is the way Sekine has moved away from the materiality of material in this artwork deliberately and only focused on form and surface identity. We can still see that the relationship of the object with the space is one of the important elements of the artwork. It is interesting to see how making materiality of the object less important would shift our perception to other elements in the artwork such as contrast between the surface, shapes, aesthetic, connection to zen garden stone, placement or any other border readings .


Right After

Eva Hesse - Right After
Eva Hesse – Right After

Artist : Eva Hesse

Year : 1969

Size : 5 × 18 × 4 ft (152.39 × 548.61 × 121.91 cm)

Media : Fiberglass

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Eva  originally pursued a career in commercial textile design, which is close to me as a commercial ceramist and how she become postmodern artist by exploring the use of the simplest materials to create  biomorphic and geometric forms.

Similarity of Eva Hesse’s works to my projects is the simplicity of the forms and our methods of using materials and objects to draw, paint and sculpt in space but our connection is way deeper than forms. There are personal connections such as “The artist’s struggle between impulses that causes a piece to be started and what actually happens, more freely, once its creation has begun” or “such a pragmatic tearing and reconfiguring freed Hesse from making decisions about the forms in advance”

she shows use of hand

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Installations, Gosia Wlodarczak

Artist : Gosia Wlodarczak

Year : 2012

Size : –

Media : Frost Drawing

connection between this artwork and my practice: 
Wlodarczak says: ” am fascinated by one’s awareness of the moment and the mind’s relationship with the outside world conducted through the senses”
She is one the artists whom I admire. She creates the personal connection to her and her body in the installation in simple forms. One of her best works is the one she draws on glasses. I think connection between drawing lines and glass creates a unique relationship between temporarily of the materials and the ‘moment’.

3D Tape Drawing, Monika Grzymala

Artist : Monika Grzymala

Year : 2012

Size : –

Media : Tape

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

What makes me interested in Grzymala’s Work is her use of simple modern material which get the best results for her idea of drawing in space. I’m fascinated by the forms she creates. I could easily feel her body movements in space in her work.

I’m also interested in ephemerality of the work and also the site specific design.


Artist : Robert Morris

Year : 1967–8, remade 2008

Size : –

Media : –

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Morris’ artworks follow an entirely different aesthetic, “Anti-form”. What makes me interested in his works is his idea of making process, minimal forms, and his choice of materials such as fabric, steel, fibreglass and plywood.

I believe he was one of the artist who was aware of his emotions and how to transfer them in a logical way. Relationship between form (Anti-form) and space in this artwork is one of the most important element for me.

Terracotta Circle

Artist : Gilberto Zorio

Year : 1969

Size : –

Media : Mixed media

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Zorio is an Italian artist associated with Arte Povera movement, which was contemporary with the Gutai group in Japan.

He is known for his use of materials and I am interested in this artwork because he places the clay next to other materials, the Diameter of terracotta is based on the artist’s arm-span and the circle was moulded as he moved around at floor level. Which relates to my interest of relationship between body movement and the form.

Sculpture as Place

Carl Andre - Sculpture as Place
Carl Andre – Sculpture as Place

Artist : Carl Andre

Year : 1958–2010


Media : Installation

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Carl Andre uses the same sculpture forms such as cubes in different versions of installation. Repetition of simple geometric form in large scale and they way they interact the them creates ascetic pleasure. His semi-industrial, physical structures took all my attention to this artwork.

his minimal artwork and connection of each sculpture form with the space and repetition of the objects are what connects my projects to his work.

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Red Slate Circle

Richard Long - Red Slate Circle
Richard Long – Red Slate Circle

Artist : Richard Long

Year : 1988

Size : 37 x 400 x 400 cm

Media : Slate

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Richard Long  is known as a “Land” artists. He uses natural elements like stone and wood to create meaningful conceptual art with simple abstract elements like circles and lines.

I found him after I had my art performance in which I painted a circle around myself on the floor with liquid clay. I understand that my works does not fit in “land art” genre but they way he uses simple forms to create minimal artwork is an interesting aspect for me.

the geometrical forms he creates, the logic of repetition, his minimal sculptures, use of material and the way he creates the space are the key ideas for me in his work.

Continue reading “Red Slate Circle”

Night Drawing

Artist: Matthew Ritchie

Year: 2014

Size: –

Medium: Polyester, Pigment & Aluminum

connection between this artwork and my practice: It feels like drawing in space, transferring 2d to 3d form, expressing inner feels

folded up structure with hidden mathematical forms. the way it interact and fill the space is interesting for me. The way he create new universe in his work, helps me to create the environment and space that I want to.