
Artist : Alberto Burri

Year : 1975

Size : –

Media : Acrovinyl on cellotex

connection between this artwork and my practice:

Burriā€™s career came in the form of an aesthetic, he exaggerated the processes that led to the natural appearance of fine, hairline cracks in various painting mediums as they aged over time and I use medium which I can create the feeling of aged or changed during the time through making process.

There are a few connection between Burri’s work and mine:

The simplest are : his exploration of abstract art, and his interest in Joan Miro’s artwork.

The next one is the way he uses different materials and pushes the boundary of painting, He confounds the meaning of sculpture and painting and questions the border between them.

The last one is the exploring beauty in his process-based works, the use of texture and formless which is the effect of materiality of his work.

Although his works contain the subject of trauma that is different to my subject of no definition or translation of my work, the use of material and the aesthetic of them and the way he explores the surface aligns with my work.

Clay Painting (for John Cage and Merce Cunningham)

Artist : Robert Rauschenberg

Year : 1992

Size : 43.5 x 57.8 x 6 cm

Media : Unfired clay on wood panel

connection between this artwork and my practice:

I have selected this artwork only in relation to my new work in which I used clay to paint.

I have a similar feeling about Rauschenberg and Alberto Burri. The texture of material the forms that material created during the time and making process is what I search for in both of these artwork. This work is more significant because Rauschenberg used clay as his materials.

To see a trace of artist’s fingerprint, hand making, and seeing making process are other important elements in this artwork.

Rauschenberg, similar to Burri questions the boundaries between painting and sculpture.