Anna Maria Maiolino on Poetic Wanderings

Anna Maria Maiolino on Poetic Wanderings from Hauser & Wirth in Vimeo

Artist: Anna Maria Maiolino

connection between this artwork and my practice: I have placed this video in my work to hear what I talk to myself about from someone else. Maialino’s works are incredibly wonderful, I decided to place her video instead of her artworks for many reasons, I do love her work but I think she is the main inspiration for me and not only her works, also I couldn’t choose between her works as I love most of them .

What makes me interested in her work is not only forms or materials but the combination of everything, her connection to the work, the art work by itself as something unique, connection of the objects in the installation and most importantly using unfired clay, going against the norm and creating new life for a tradition material.

the next aspect is the way she adds temporariness and recycles the art back to nature by only choosing to not firing the clay. Also how she emphasis the making process and evidence of her body being involved in the art work without leaving a body trace .

I am still researching on her works and I believe my work is even more connected to hers.

Terracotta Circle

Artist : Gilberto Zorio

Year : 1969

Size : –

Media : Mixed media

connection between this artwork and my practice: 

Zorio is an Italian artist associated with Arte Povera movement, which was contemporary with the Gutai group in Japan.

He is known for his use of materials and I am interested in this artwork because he places the clay next to other materials, the Diameter of terracotta is based on the artist’s arm-span and the circle was moulded as he moved around at floor level. Which relates to my interest of relationship between body movement and the form.